Thursday, September 28, 2017

Life in the United States versus Life in the Philippines

Retirement Home in the United States

A couple of weeks ago, I described the five luxuries that my wife are enjoying here in the US. Today, I am adding another luxury that I forgot in that blog. The number six luxury is the service of a Gardener. My Gardener does the mowing, trimming and weeding of both our front and back yards twice a month or as in needed basis. I still do the watering and fertilizing. David III still maintains our swimming pool and minor repairs in the house.

Anyone Swimming on your Birthday suit on a Hot Summer Night?

Today I am also attaching one of my hubs about Life in the Philippines vs Life in the US from my account just in case you have not read it as follows:

Retirement Home in the Philippines

Friday, September 22, 2017

Carenna KT and Verbal Bullying

The mean girls are jealous of Carenna's Poise and Beauty

I was reading the FB page of my daughter Ditas yesterday and learned that Carenna who entered 9th grade last month( first year high school) told her that there are Mean Girls in her class. This means verbal bullying to me. I could identify how Carenna felt since I was also bullied when I was in high school.

I wrote my own verbal bullying experience when I was in high school in the 1950's in detail in the first edition of my autobiography. However, a friend suggested I tone it down (the details) since it was too personal. Instead of toning it down, I decided just to omit it in the second edition of my autobiography. Writing it down however was very therapeutic. I have forgotten all about my teenage bullying, until yesterday after reading Ditas FB page.

Here's Ditas Posting: Mean girls in the HISP program at Mclatchy and we thought it would be less likely, but they are everywhere.

The following are some reactions from Ditas FB friends to the above posting:

Honestly after 2016 who is surprised?

They are everywhere, sadly. Hugs

Unfortunately they are everywhere

Contact their counselors. And continue contacting their counselors and admin with each and every incident.

College is just around the corner. Tell her it will get better. Hugs

True. Highschool... barf.... college.... so awesome!

Ditas Katague: I know right! my 35th High school reunion is next Saturday and I thought about going but after witnessing Carenna's torment this week, I have PTSD from my high school traumas. And those that caused it, I have no desire to come in contact with.

It's just preparing her for the workforce 😱

Success is the best revenge.

Ditas it's high school ... mean girls are what help us grow into fierce woman and smoke them all! Tell her to hang in there it gets better!

So, how common is teenage bullying in the US?

According to statistics from Family First Aid, about 30 percent of teenagers in the U.S. have been involved in bullying, either as a bully or as a victim of teenage bullying. Data suggests that teenage bullying is more common among younger teens than it is among older teens. However, it may be that young teens are more prone to physical bullying, which is easier to identify, and that older teens are more sophisticated in methods of bullying that are not always exactly identified as such.

Physical bullying is more common among boys, and teenage girls often favor verbal and emotional bullying. Indeed, while boys report that they are more likely to be involved in physical altercations, girls report that they are often the targets of nasty rumors – especially involving sexual gossip. Additionally, girls are more likely to use exclusion as a teenage bullying technique than boys are.

For details on teenage bullying read the following:

Related News about Verbal Bullying:

Today's news highlights the verbal bullying of Trump and Kim Jong Un:

Trump calls KIM, Rocket Man as well as “unfit,” “rogue” and “gangster”. Kim bullied back and call Trump― a mentally unbalance “dotard,” . 

So what is a dotard: According to Merriam-Webster, a “dotard” is a “person in his or her dotage,” with “dotage” further defined as “a state or period of senile decay marked by decline of mental poise and alertness.”

Freelance journalist Jihye Lee said the original statement in Korean used a term better translated as “old beast lunatic,” but it became “dotard” in the English version released by North Korea. 

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Beware of a Phone Scam Asking for Money by a Closed Relative

Yesterday, I received a call from a guy pretending to be my oldest grandson. His voice sounds like Ian and I listened to him for about 5 minutes. He was asking me for bail money. He said he is in the downtown jail. Here's our phone conversation I as I remember it:

Caller: Hi Grandpa?

Me: Who is this?

Caller: Your oldest grandson.

Me: Glad to hear from you. Where are you know? Are you still in Roseville. ( I thought he was calling me for a short visit), to see us. He did not response where he is calling from.

Caller: I do not like calling you but I need help right now. I am in trouble. ( He described in detail how someone framed him by putting drugs in his car. The police arrested him and he needs some bail money.)

Me: Where are you now ?.

Caller: I am in jail downtown ( did not specify if it is Sacramento).

Me: I can not drive to downtown, because no one will baby sit for your Grandma.

Caller: You do not have to go downtown just talk to my lawyer( at this time I was really getting suspicious). The caller pleaded that I do not hang up the phone as he was trying to connect me to his lawyer.

However, I did hanged up the phone. A few minutes later, the phone rang again, but I did not answer it.

Note: This morning I sent a message to Ian's Mom and inquire if Ian is OK.

I also got an note from Ian today. Hi Lolo. Everything is ok I'm fine. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. Just wanted to let you know that I love you

Friday, September 1, 2017

Macrine Swimming For the First Time Since 2013

I can not believe this. Yesterday, she wanted me to drive her to the Motor's Vehicle Office, so she can renew her driver license. Today she wanted to swim. I can not find her bathing suit, but here are three videos I took this morning. In a couple of hours she will need her medication. Thank you Lord!